Security Keys Management

There are three type of keys in the Ianum® platform:

  • OpenPGP - this is the key that will be generated when creating a new gate. It must be saved securely since it cannot be recovered. Furthermore, to create new keys you will need to contact Ianum® directly via

  • Client ID Key - this key is generated when a new gate is created, and it references the gate id,

  • Client Secret Keys: this will allow you to access our API (for the OAuth 2.0 Authentication). These keys can be managed in the Developer Area

Remember that we don't store any keys in our database so you can download the keys only once and you have to save them securely.

Create a new client secret

To create a new client secret, you have to click on the "add" button. You will see the modal that says we are generating a new client secret and then you can download the key generated.

Delete client secret

To delete the client secret, you have to click on the "delete" button and click on "agree"

Remember that no more calls with the client secret are allowed

Last updated