Ianum Profiles

The first thing you notice once you enter the Developer Area, is your personal profile on the left.This is the profile that you can use to create a Gate. In Ianum there are two types of profile you can have:

  • Personal Profile: each one has a personal profile

  • company profile: you can be in or or more company profile, and you can create up to 10 company profiles

Personal Profile

It's also called personal user and it's the profile used to access the Developer Area. Whatever you create here can't be shared with other personal profiles, so if you aim for example to manage a profile for your business, you have to create a company profile.

Company Profile

If you want to create a profile for a Legal Entity such as a Company, in order to integrate Ianum Services, you will need to create a Ianum® Identity for that Company, commonly called a Company Profile. Inside that profile, you will be able to add other people, that will be able to see the Developer Area on behalf of the Company (i.e. other developers, IT managers, etc).

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